Monday, December 31, 2007

All is Forgiven

A couple of weeks ago I told you mum wasn't letting me play with my friends Patch and Rocky due to some bad habits I was picking up. Well mum has forgiven the indiscretions and let Patch and Rocky come over a couple of times while their mum was busy working and moving house.

This is them making themselves at home. Mum said they were only allowed here for a trial but they really behaved themselves quite well (for them anyway) and didn't get up to anything major, just stole a shoe or two and nicked my toys. I think she'll let them come back again which is fun for me.

On a different note, I hope everyone had a greyt christmas and new year and that 2008 is a good year for you.

Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Time Flys

Well it's my turn to wrestle the computer from Flo to make a very happy announcement. Yesterday was our 2nd anniversary and I'm wondering where the time has gone. I clearly remember they day I picked her up and being of a scaredey cat disposition wondered what on earth I had gotten into. I had grown up with dogs but Flo was MY first dog. So now 2 years later, through a couple of health issues, a couple of tears and a lot of joy and laughter I now know it was the best decision I have ever made. That day 2 years ago, my house turned into a home and who could resist this face.

Sunday, December 2, 2007

My Day at the Track

The GAP christmas party was on the other weekend at the Capalaba Race Track. I LOVE the race track. Whenever I get there I get really excited because there is a lure to chase and I get to stretch out my lovely long legs and go for a run (that's what I assume anyway). I soon found out however that's not what happens at the christmas party

For one thing, the lure doesn't get used, I mean really, what's the point of being at a race track when they don't work the lure. And another thing, if the greys ran on the track, they had their owners hanging of their lead, well really, have you ever heard of a human keeping up with one of us, not likely.

My mum 'supposedly' has a bad knee and I have a touch of arthritis and they were the excuses she used so I didn't even get to have a little run, she can be so mean sometimes. I mean, look at me, this is obviously someone who wants to run. I spent the whole day dragging my mum towards the fence and putting my ears up and jumping at my lead so you think she could have been a little nicer, but no.

I guess it was nice to catch up with my old foster carer and some of my other friends, I'll live in the hope that next year I can convince mum to run with me.

Thursday, November 29, 2007

I'm So Cute

One of the things I love most in the world is to hang my head out the window when mum is driving me anywhere. I just love doing this, I get to check out all the people and stuff going by and get the wind in my face. Mum knows I love doing this and leaves the windows down for me, isn't she wonderful. Recently we went to a greytwalks at Wynnum and on the way home, Aunty M took this photo of me.

Finally mum gets to see me like other people do and don't I just look so cute? Now I know why people want to talk to me at the traffic lights. I had my friends Patch and Rocky in the car at the time so the back seats were down and if you look closely enough you see that mum's vision is somewhat obscured, but you know, my enjoyment does have to come first.

Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Mum Not Happy

My mum has banned me from playing with my friends Patch and Rocky. Apparently I've been learning bad habits from them (just because I decided to see why they kept stealing mum's toys). This was the end result and frankly if mum decides to mow rather than pay attention to me, I don't see what the problem is.

Now so totally understand why Patch and Rocky have so much fun. I'm sure mum will let me play with my friends again eventually, but in the meantime it was so worth it.

Saturday, November 10, 2007

I have to draw the line somewhere.....

I do not expect everyone to be as perfect and well behaved as I am. That would just be silly, how can you beat perfection?!
However, I do think that when out visiting one should show some decorum. Lately I have been less than impressed with Rocky and Bullwinkle, I mean, Patch.
I open my home to them and they show little respect.
Rocky is obviously just a silly boy, after all, he is the dog that walks straight off the landing and falls a storey.... still, this doesn't really excuse him from coming here and behaving the way he does.
In the last few visits he has racked up a list of demeanor's, these include but are not limited to;
pissing on mum's clean sheets that were hanging on the washing line
pissing on MY water bowl in MY kitchen
pulling the eye out of one of mum's display toys - display means not to be eaten by dogs!!
stealing the penguin - every time....
Patch is not much better, her list consists of;
racing up the stairs and jumping on me
scruffing up the blankets on mums bed
stealing the display toys
stealing shoes
unpotting plants
eating the cheese and chocolate when nobody is looking - ok, I admit partial guilt on that one, she got the cheese and I helped with the liquor chocolates.
I have nothing against them, and they make me look really good, but this has to stop. They are just not polite anymore!

The troublesome twosome

It's not that I don't enjoy laughing at Rocky's expense. Today he thought that his mum had come back to get him - the ice-cream van went past and he was in raptures after the initial confusion of hearing what constantly goes around in his head out loud - dumb boy. I tend to just sit back and watch the pair of them behave like small children. Patch had the audacity to growl at Rocky when he tried to get close to Adele, really, save the domestics for home please.

So I have layed down the paw and said that they are not to come over unless they can behave like greyhounds should. Like I do. I went to Greytgirls today and did what should be done. I walked in, lay down and went to sleep. Unfortunately my nap was cut short as we were only passing, but I did the right thing..... take notes Rocky and Patch.

This is how one should behave when visiting.

Sunday, November 4, 2007

Lazy Sunday

Today was one of those hot Brissie days that you spend laying around if you are unlucky enough to not have air conditioning.

This is what I look like after our evening walk, yes I did want to walk until half way around then decided it was too hot and literally stolled home. Am now laying in front of the door trying to gain whatever breeze comes through the screen.
Have a wonderful wafting smell throughout the house of chicken baking and yes I usually score some of the skin, have a cool breeze and mum is home, what more could a girl ask for.

Thursday, October 25, 2007

My Little Friend

I know, I know, it's been a while again, but I've been a very busy girl. My grandpa and grandma decided to have a bit of a holiday up north and mum was asked to look after their little girl for a week (I guess it was payback for them looking after me).

Cassie and I are pretty good friends although she doesn't seem to like it when I bound in to play with her and mum, guess I am a little big from her angle.

To make my week even more special I got a sore paw and had to be left inside every day for a week. This meant I couldn't run around my racetrack in the yard, bit of a bummer but I guess I really only sleep all day anyway. Got mum back though by playing with the 'restricted' stuffy toys on the bed (lucky mum was a little too grumpy to remember the camera or evidence would be available for all to see).

The life of a greyhound in retirement really is a very stressful thing.

Tuesday, October 9, 2007

It's About Time

Well my mum finally decided to come into the latest century and get broadband so I can finally do my own blogging - YAY (not that I'm not eternally grateful for the wonderful job done by my human aunties in helping me out).

Well I just thought I would show you exactly how hard I work around the house. While my mum was mowing, washing, folding stuff, ironing, mopping, weeding (etc etc) on Sunday, I was doing the job I think is the most important of all.

Now, as you can see, I was diligently guarding the bed. I mean how upset would my mum be if she came in from doing all this work to find the bed stolen. I dare any would be robber to get this bed out from under me. I mean really, how would this household and my mum keep it together if it wasn't for me.

Sunday, September 9, 2007

The price of indulgence

Because I am so gorgeous I get alot of things bestowed upon me. This weekend I was at a GAP promo at an animal shelter and I scored lots of goodies.

There was the lady who gave me the roo jerky, and then the Lions people gave me a whole sausage - fully expecting to get to eat the whole thing you can imagine my chargin when it got shared with Rocky and Patch and Princess.... - but that was ok, I got a WHOLE ice cream to myself.

All the other dogs had to share, na na, that will teach you for being one half of a pair. I am an only dog, I don't have to share with anyone.

It was a nice day out, had a bit of a run around after it was all over and then home for a well deserved nap.

By this time my tummy was a little sore. I was a bit gassy and was making funny gurgling sounds, not much helped by mum rubbing my tummy.... so I lay forlornly on the couch and recovered with mum sitting on the floor to make sure I would be ok.

Sunday, August 26, 2007

What? This chair wasn't put here for me?!

I think that it was. All the other silly greyhounds ( Patch, Rocky, Blaze and Amie ) were busy looking for their mums. Duh! I am not stupid, it's a small house and I knew she would come back, why on earth would I sit on the floor, or worse, appear needy, when I could recline in comfort?

I got unceremoniously kicked off the damn chair anyway, made to go outside while Little B was allowed to stay in, then they had the hide to shut the door on us. I have no idea what went on while I was shut out in the cold, but imagine that if it was any fun then I would have been part of it too. Apparently it had to do with The Chicken, so am guessing that Blaze didn't really enjoy it all that much. She is a bit special (Blaze) and The Chicken is inherently evil, not a good mix. I believe I could out evil The Chicken but I think that Blaze would have cracked.....

I don't mind going and visiting Patch, I just don't like it when she goes all skitzo and tries to stand on me. She behaved like such a puppy when we all arrived. Jumping around and carrying on, seriously, where is the dignity? Rocky may be a bit slow, but even he has more manners when it comes to saying hello. They go out the window when there is food around though, he spend ages trying to scam cheese and various other yummy things. He even resorted to sucking up to the coffee table..... hmmm, not the brightest wee button. As if the table is going to give in.

Rocky is living proof that girls mature faster than boys. Rocky was trying to impress us all night with his antics. He was being "manly" and showing us how he could get the bunny and throw it around and pull the stuffing out. Pfff, I could do that too, but it would be sooooo inelegant. He was so proud of himself, funny that, it was only a stuffed toy, not much of a challenge. Still, small things amuse small minds and if the fluffy bunny being gutted makes him happy then who am I to take that away from him?

Monday, August 13, 2007

Harmless little crush

I see nothing wrong with having a troupe of boys that gaze adoringly at me.

One such boy is Charlie dog. He is a pretty fawn dog - the best colour, if I do say so - and sweet in a dopey boy kind of way.

I allowed him to take certain liberties with me at the EKKA, made my day better and if he gets the wrong idea and wants to go shacking up then I will just have to set him straight down the line. A little bit of flirting never hurt anyone.....

Besides, there was no kissy licks, just backward spooning and a little paw touching, looks a lot more than it really is.

The whole symbolic heart thing with our paws is just that, symbolic......

Saturday, August 11, 2007


Went to the EKKA on Thursday.
I had to share the car trip with Rocky and Patch and their mum.
Normally I have the whole back seat, I shared it with Rocky and Patch got to ride shotgun on her mum's knee - comfy - NOT!!

I was quite impressed with what they had provided for me. Looked like a nice inviting lounge room. Was not overly keen on the leather couch though, I spent the day on the funky beds as Goldie and The Snork seemed to have the couches covered.

I got lots of pats, I pretty much just lay around looking pretty all day, something I do very well.... although I did have to get up at one point as Leo stood on me - that dog has no manners! - and it hurt as he is quite a big boy.

He is a nice enough dog, just has no etiquette, has only been a foster dog for a week, so he is not a seasoned pet and can't be expected to know how to behave just yet. He did a great job though, stood up and drew in the crowd all day - he will learn in time that promos are for lying down, not standing up all day, silly dog.

Patch has the promo thing down, and Rocky is getting there.

Tuesday, August 7, 2007

Oh No you Don't!

Seriously, mum is pushing the envelope.

I acknowledged her when she came home - after 2 weeks in Alaska - and then she has the nerve to take me, AND my bed, to Grandma & Grandpa's today!

What does she think she is playing at???!

SHE WILL NOT LEAVE ME AGAIN, I will see to it.

The whole time we were there I sat on my bed, pointing my fine ass at them all and refused to speak to anyone.

Luckily mum saw sense and took me home again. I would have kicked up all sorts of merry hell if she had left me there.....

I might look dopey sometimes, but I am very resourceful (for example, how many greyhounds do YOU know that are smart enough to have their own blog?)
I think she felt guilty for putting me through that kind of emotional turmoil, so I got to go to the dog park with Patch and Rocky.
Rocky is doing remarkably well for a dog that I pushed... I mean, a dog the FELL off my stairs yesterday. He is still off with the fairies, but then, he is a boy so what can you really expect?
Patch was excellent to stalk, she thought she could out stalk me HA! Not likely. I am sooooooo much better at it than her. She did pounce when required though, so I was happy and we had a good run and play.
Must go and rest up now, I shall be appearing for one day only at the EKKA. I will be there all day and may let you pat me if you come and visit, but you will have to line up, I have MANY an adoring fan you know....

Sunday, August 5, 2007

Not even a piece of Salmon........hmmmph

I guess it could be worse, I could have got a "My mum went to Alaska and all I got was this lousy T-shirt" Still, from the home of fresh Salmon, WHERE IS MINE????

On the other hand I am just glad that she is home. Grandma and Grandpa love me and spoil me to bits, but at home I am THE QUEEN. Flo, thy WILL be done, is pretty much how it goes around here. I have mum well trained, she panders to my every desire.

She has taken 2 weeks off work to make up for going away and leaving me, though she did mention the EKKA. I seem to remember that was bloody hard work last year, so I may hold judgement on her sucking up skills until I see what the caper is this year. I had a word to the people who matter while she was away and it seems I have managed to arrange for some suitable leather couches to be at my disposal so I guess that means I will be going to the EKKA to promote the Greyhound Adoption Program

After all, they found me my perfect slave, I am sure there are other suckers out there. I do have one concern however, I have inside information that there will be dog beds on the floor along with the couches. They are very funky beds, but PLEASE.... you expect mwa to be on the floor when I arranged couches, I think not.

Thursday, August 2, 2007

Time to Partay

My Mum is coming home, My Mum is coming Home.

Put on your glad rags cause we are going to partay!

One More Sleep!!

And then Mum is home!!!!

Not that I haven't enjoyed my holiday, I have just missed her quite alot.

The birds I could take or leave, sadly they came with me *sigh*

They fly all over the place and land on me, ME! what are they thinking?

And I don't bat an eyelid cause I am that good....

I would go to the airport to meet mum, but they have stupid rules about dogs not being at the airport. Hmmm, will just have to wait at home for her. I might warm the bed up for her while I am waiting, and peek out the window when she arrives.I am NOT going to go down the stairs for her, after all, she left me, she can come to me this time....

Sunday, July 29, 2007

Thumbs would have been really handy....

Getting around with no thumbs makes life a little hard sometimes. Take the weekend for instance. Just cause mum has buggered off doesn't mean that I have to put my life on hold. There was a GAP promo at Morningside. So I endeavoured to go and hang out with my friends and do my bit for GAP. Ok, hitching is all well and good if you have thumbs, and can stand on two legs to display said thumb. I don't, and can't. I resorted to old school tricks and showed a bit of leg, a lot of leg really, I have such long elegant legs and it is not beneath me to use them to get my own way. Normally I am a sensible girl, hitching is not exactly safe, especially for someone as attractive as me! however, after a very rude bus driver failed to believe that I had left my wallet in my other pants ( this may have been because I wasn't wearing any...) I tried to bluff him into thinking that I was the CEO of the company he worked for. This isn't so insane when you consider that it was a Greyhound Bus. I did my best to threaten that he would lose his job if he didn't take me, but he didn't buy it. Probably just as well, there were people on the bus licking the windows and stuff. Please don't feel the need to point out that I lick my own You know what, at least I know where it has been! windows? please people, talk about the "special bus"
It is no mean feat for a greyhound gal to get herself all the way to a promo on her own and yet I still had the good grace to smile and greet people when I got there.

Rocky and I drawing the crowd in

I did my ears trick. The one where they stand up so pointy it makes everyone laugh and try really hard to take a photo of them from the front, at which point I drop on of them, ha ha. There are a few shots of them from behind, but that is just a little tease, amuses me greatly.
I suppose I had better explain a few things before people get all up in arms.
Firstly, Hitching is bad. Greyhounds without leads is bad. Greyhounds hitching without leads is super bad!!
Secondly, I didn't really hitch to a promo, that would involve effort and I am so not into that....
The photo's of me at the promo are actually of Lewis. He is a stunningly handsome boy ( I am not biased thank you very much ) and is so similiar to me that people do a double take. Just goes to show, for every grey there is an equal and opposite grey. I have Lewis, Rocky has Rocky and Patch is special, she has Shani and Wally.

I really want mum to come home so that I can go to promos and see my grey friends........

Saturday, July 28, 2007

A Plea Across The Seas

If I try and look cute Mum, will you come home?

Friday, July 27, 2007

12 steps.....

I do not have a drinking problem, really, I don't. It was after 12, I was at a promo. Call it social lubricant, it allows me to be nice to people all day. It is tough to look so pretty and be patted and admired all day. I am not a sitter, I walk or I lie down. I don't like to be stood ON, though I am better at sharing these days - see drinking has positive side effects- like this..... Little people can do what they will with me and I am putty in their hands. I do think that I should have a vest that says "I'm adopted, ask me how" because so many people fall in love with me at promos and want to take me home. I really like mum, I am highly p&%%$&^ that she is in Alaska right now, but I will forgive her.....

Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Hand guns and dancing boys

Yes, you read right, I have been living it up. By the end of the night it was dancing guns and hand boys!!

This is how I started the night...

Looking very much the part. A few tequila slammers, ok, LOTS of tequila later and it was not so pretty.

Mum is such a party pooper, she would possibly not approve of my fetishes and the like, so I tend not to go all out when she is around. Since she is away I took the opportunity to slip some sedatives in Grandma and Grandpa's tea and PARTAY!!

I would love to tell you all about it, however two things are stopping me.

1./ I don't kiss and tell

2./ I don't remember a whole lot, I do have this photo though, so can only imagine how messy it all was...

Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Look into my eyes, you are getting sleepy and falling under my spell.

And you all thought that the Jedi mind trick wasnt working. Little does my Mum know that my fall back trick is hypnotism. Look deeply into my eyes......You are getting very sleepy......You will get up off the couch and let me lay on it......You will let me take over the whole bed while you lay on the cold hard floor......You will give me as many treats as I want......You will allow me to have a bowl of ice cream every night after dinner......When I count to three you will wake up refreshed, do all the thing I have said, and remember nothing of this......One.....Two......Three.

Monday, July 23, 2007

I have Down Syndrome....

My tongue is too big for my mouth, so it often hangs out and makes me look really smart.....

Sunday, July 22, 2007

When mum is away.....

Mum has abandoned me. She pissed of to bloody Alaska or some such place, and LEFT ME BEHIND!!!! The audacity of it.... after all I do for her. Ok, so I don't do alot, mainly I sleep and eat and make her stress by limping some days. The point is, SHE LEFT ME.

I tried to Jedi mind trick her into staying, I stared at her with glowing eyes and willed her not to go, and still, she packed her bags, dumped me with grandma and grandpa and foofed off.
On the positive side, I get to hang out with Cassie and be spoilt by grandma and grandpa. I am somewhat of a celebrity, the whole neighbourhood loves me. They know when I am coming to stay and all rush out to adore me, as they well should!
I got duped into coming up here, mum conspired with Patch and Rocky's mum to make it seem like we were just "going for a drive"
HA! I am not stupid, they brought my bed and food and toys and when I arrived I gave mum the cold shoulder so she would know that I knew what she was doing. I sat on my bed with my back to her and shunned her.
Then when she left I was all waggy tails and kissy licks because I was getting pats from grandpa, oh, and I stole Cassie's rawhide chew......excellent.
I am going to get up to mischief while mum is away, I don't need her to take me to Dreamworld to have fun.....