Sunday, August 26, 2007

What? This chair wasn't put here for me?!

I think that it was. All the other silly greyhounds ( Patch, Rocky, Blaze and Amie ) were busy looking for their mums. Duh! I am not stupid, it's a small house and I knew she would come back, why on earth would I sit on the floor, or worse, appear needy, when I could recline in comfort?

I got unceremoniously kicked off the damn chair anyway, made to go outside while Little B was allowed to stay in, then they had the hide to shut the door on us. I have no idea what went on while I was shut out in the cold, but imagine that if it was any fun then I would have been part of it too. Apparently it had to do with The Chicken, so am guessing that Blaze didn't really enjoy it all that much. She is a bit special (Blaze) and The Chicken is inherently evil, not a good mix. I believe I could out evil The Chicken but I think that Blaze would have cracked.....

I don't mind going and visiting Patch, I just don't like it when she goes all skitzo and tries to stand on me. She behaved like such a puppy when we all arrived. Jumping around and carrying on, seriously, where is the dignity? Rocky may be a bit slow, but even he has more manners when it comes to saying hello. They go out the window when there is food around though, he spend ages trying to scam cheese and various other yummy things. He even resorted to sucking up to the coffee table..... hmmm, not the brightest wee button. As if the table is going to give in.

Rocky is living proof that girls mature faster than boys. Rocky was trying to impress us all night with his antics. He was being "manly" and showing us how he could get the bunny and throw it around and pull the stuffing out. Pfff, I could do that too, but it would be sooooo inelegant. He was so proud of himself, funny that, it was only a stuffed toy, not much of a challenge. Still, small things amuse small minds and if the fluffy bunny being gutted makes him happy then who am I to take that away from him?

Monday, August 13, 2007

Harmless little crush

I see nothing wrong with having a troupe of boys that gaze adoringly at me.

One such boy is Charlie dog. He is a pretty fawn dog - the best colour, if I do say so - and sweet in a dopey boy kind of way.

I allowed him to take certain liberties with me at the EKKA, made my day better and if he gets the wrong idea and wants to go shacking up then I will just have to set him straight down the line. A little bit of flirting never hurt anyone.....

Besides, there was no kissy licks, just backward spooning and a little paw touching, looks a lot more than it really is.

The whole symbolic heart thing with our paws is just that, symbolic......

Saturday, August 11, 2007


Went to the EKKA on Thursday.
I had to share the car trip with Rocky and Patch and their mum.
Normally I have the whole back seat, I shared it with Rocky and Patch got to ride shotgun on her mum's knee - comfy - NOT!!

I was quite impressed with what they had provided for me. Looked like a nice inviting lounge room. Was not overly keen on the leather couch though, I spent the day on the funky beds as Goldie and The Snork seemed to have the couches covered.

I got lots of pats, I pretty much just lay around looking pretty all day, something I do very well.... although I did have to get up at one point as Leo stood on me - that dog has no manners! - and it hurt as he is quite a big boy.

He is a nice enough dog, just has no etiquette, has only been a foster dog for a week, so he is not a seasoned pet and can't be expected to know how to behave just yet. He did a great job though, stood up and drew in the crowd all day - he will learn in time that promos are for lying down, not standing up all day, silly dog.

Patch has the promo thing down, and Rocky is getting there.

Tuesday, August 7, 2007

Oh No you Don't!

Seriously, mum is pushing the envelope.

I acknowledged her when she came home - after 2 weeks in Alaska - and then she has the nerve to take me, AND my bed, to Grandma & Grandpa's today!

What does she think she is playing at???!

SHE WILL NOT LEAVE ME AGAIN, I will see to it.

The whole time we were there I sat on my bed, pointing my fine ass at them all and refused to speak to anyone.

Luckily mum saw sense and took me home again. I would have kicked up all sorts of merry hell if she had left me there.....

I might look dopey sometimes, but I am very resourceful (for example, how many greyhounds do YOU know that are smart enough to have their own blog?)
I think she felt guilty for putting me through that kind of emotional turmoil, so I got to go to the dog park with Patch and Rocky.
Rocky is doing remarkably well for a dog that I pushed... I mean, a dog the FELL off my stairs yesterday. He is still off with the fairies, but then, he is a boy so what can you really expect?
Patch was excellent to stalk, she thought she could out stalk me HA! Not likely. I am sooooooo much better at it than her. She did pounce when required though, so I was happy and we had a good run and play.
Must go and rest up now, I shall be appearing for one day only at the EKKA. I will be there all day and may let you pat me if you come and visit, but you will have to line up, I have MANY an adoring fan you know....

Sunday, August 5, 2007

Not even a piece of Salmon........hmmmph

I guess it could be worse, I could have got a "My mum went to Alaska and all I got was this lousy T-shirt" Still, from the home of fresh Salmon, WHERE IS MINE????

On the other hand I am just glad that she is home. Grandma and Grandpa love me and spoil me to bits, but at home I am THE QUEEN. Flo, thy WILL be done, is pretty much how it goes around here. I have mum well trained, she panders to my every desire.

She has taken 2 weeks off work to make up for going away and leaving me, though she did mention the EKKA. I seem to remember that was bloody hard work last year, so I may hold judgement on her sucking up skills until I see what the caper is this year. I had a word to the people who matter while she was away and it seems I have managed to arrange for some suitable leather couches to be at my disposal so I guess that means I will be going to the EKKA to promote the Greyhound Adoption Program

After all, they found me my perfect slave, I am sure there are other suckers out there. I do have one concern however, I have inside information that there will be dog beds on the floor along with the couches. They are very funky beds, but PLEASE.... you expect mwa to be on the floor when I arranged couches, I think not.

Thursday, August 2, 2007

Time to Partay

My Mum is coming home, My Mum is coming Home.

Put on your glad rags cause we are going to partay!

One More Sleep!!

And then Mum is home!!!!

Not that I haven't enjoyed my holiday, I have just missed her quite alot.

The birds I could take or leave, sadly they came with me *sigh*

They fly all over the place and land on me, ME! what are they thinking?

And I don't bat an eyelid cause I am that good....

I would go to the airport to meet mum, but they have stupid rules about dogs not being at the airport. Hmmm, will just have to wait at home for her. I might warm the bed up for her while I am waiting, and peek out the window when she arrives.I am NOT going to go down the stairs for her, after all, she left me, she can come to me this time....