Thursday, November 29, 2007

I'm So Cute

One of the things I love most in the world is to hang my head out the window when mum is driving me anywhere. I just love doing this, I get to check out all the people and stuff going by and get the wind in my face. Mum knows I love doing this and leaves the windows down for me, isn't she wonderful. Recently we went to a greytwalks at Wynnum and on the way home, Aunty M took this photo of me.

Finally mum gets to see me like other people do and don't I just look so cute? Now I know why people want to talk to me at the traffic lights. I had my friends Patch and Rocky in the car at the time so the back seats were down and if you look closely enough you see that mum's vision is somewhat obscured, but you know, my enjoyment does have to come first.

1 comment:

thebellagreyhound said...

Happiness = an open car window!