Sunday, June 29, 2008

Bad Luck

They say bad luck comes in 3's and I think mum has had hers for a while. I started the ball rolling by having my eye turn red and start to swell up. Long story short I ended up needing an operation to cut some stuff out and mum was thoughtful enough to throw in a teeth clean at the same time. Mum worries about me getting knocked out as last time I had a couple of issues after the operation but luckily all was good this time.

Next bad luck was grandad collapsed and had to be taken to hospital so I went to Aunty M's for a sleepover as mum wasn't sure how long she'd be. Grandad is ok, still not feeling 100% but hopefully will get better soon.

Third and hopefully final bad luck was me again. Being in a rush went too quickly up the stairs and fell off (do not laugh). Except for a bruised ego, no major damage done just a couple of cuts and one really sore cut and bruise on my leg. Mum's been trying to keep it clean so it will heal but doesn't like me licking it constantly until it starts bleeding again. Thanks to Aunty A, mum has been putting some yucky tasting cream on the scratch and it finally looks to be healing.

Mum's had a tough couple of emotional weeks but I'm doing my best to make her smile and keep her spirits up (apparently farting as you walk down each step is amusing). The photo below shows how one of the many ways I keep mum amused and of course the tongue is only for mum's benefit.

Monday, June 9, 2008

I'm Back

I know I know, really really slack of me this year but mum has been really busy and even though I'm extremely talented I can't seem to turn this damn computer on by myself. To update you on the year so far, mum has been renovating the bathroom so the last couple of months have been spent by her spending all her spare time shopping for bathroom stuff or doing stuff most people would pay others to do. I don't mind her doing stuff but jees you'd think I could get some more attention during the whole process. The bathroom is now finished (except for a door and some minor things) so mum now has more time to spend on me, and about time too I say. I've thrown in a photo just so you remember what I look like (pretty cute if I do say so myself).

This is me on the new bed mum got me however I personally think it's a guilt gift so at the moment I'm pretending not to like it. Thought that would work well but mum seems to enjoy it for her afternoon naps so may have to work on another strategy.