Next bad luck was grandad collapsed and had to be taken to hospital so I went to Aunty M's for a sleepover as mum wasn't sure how long she'd be. Grandad is ok, still not feeling 100% but hopefully will get better soon.
Third and hopefully final bad luck was me again. Being in a rush went too quickly up the stairs and fell off (do not laugh). Except for a bruised ego, no major damage done just a couple of cuts and one really sore cut and bruise on my leg. Mum's been trying to keep it clean so it will heal but doesn't like me licking it constantly until it starts bleeding again. Thanks to Aunty A, mum has been putting some yucky tasting cream on the scratch and it finally looks to be healing.
Mum's had a tough couple of emotional weeks but I'm doing my best to make her smile and keep her spirits up (apparently farting as you walk down each step is amusing). The photo below shows how one of the many ways I keep mum amused and of course the tongue is only for mum's benefit.
Glad the very bad tasting stuff is working!
Hope all is well this week.
Love that tongue....
Hello I have just become a fellow foster parent but unfortunately failed miserably I fell in love with my foster charge and therefore have to keep her lol. She has set up her own blog site "barkings of a greyhound" pop over and say hello sometime she loves visitors. That photo is really cute. I keep trying to get photos of Grace but it would just be the same photo over and over. Her sleeping on the couch, floor, carpet, grass lol
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