Getting around with no thumbs makes life a little hard sometimes. Take the weekend for instance. Just cause mum has buggered off doesn't mean that I have to put my life on hold. There was a GAP promo at Morningside. So I endeavoured to go and hang out with my friends and do my bit for GAP. Ok, hitching is all well and good if you have thumbs, and can stand on two legs to display said thumb. I don't, and can't. I resorted to old school tricks and showed a bit of leg, a lot of leg really, I have such long elegant legs and it is not beneath me to use them to get my own way. Normally I am a sensible girl, hitching is not exactly safe, especially for someone as attractive as me! however, after a very rude bus driver failed to believe that I had left my wallet in my other pants ( this may have been because I wasn't wearing any...) I tried to bluff him into thinking that I was the CEO of the company he worked for. This isn't so insane when you consider that it was a Greyhound Bus. I did my best to threaten that he would lose his job if he didn't take me, but he didn't buy it. Probably just as well, there were people on the bus licking the windows and stuff. Please don't feel the need to point out that I lick my own You know what, at least I know where it has been! windows? please people, talk about the "special bus"It is no mean feat for a greyhound gal to get herself all the way to a promo on her own and yet I still had the good grace to smile and greet people when I got there.Rocky and I drawing the crowd in
I did my ears trick. The one where they stand up so pointy it makes everyone laugh and try really hard to take a photo of them from the front, at which point I drop on of them, ha ha. There are a few shots of them from behind, but that is just a little tease, amuses me greatly.
I suppose I had better explain a few things before people get all up in arms.Firstly, Hitching is bad. Greyhounds without leads is bad. Greyhounds hitching without leads is super bad!!Secondly, I didn't really hitch to a promo, that would involve effort and I am so not into that....The photo's of me at the promo are actually of Lewis. He is a stunningly handsome boy ( I am not biased thank you very much ) and is so similiar to me that people do a double take. Just goes to show, for every grey there is an equal and opposite grey. I have Lewis, Rocky has Rocky and Patch is special, she has Shani and Wally.I really want mum to come home so that I can go to promos and see my grey friends........