Sunday, August 5, 2007

Not even a piece of Salmon........hmmmph

I guess it could be worse, I could have got a "My mum went to Alaska and all I got was this lousy T-shirt" Still, from the home of fresh Salmon, WHERE IS MINE????

On the other hand I am just glad that she is home. Grandma and Grandpa love me and spoil me to bits, but at home I am THE QUEEN. Flo, thy WILL be done, is pretty much how it goes around here. I have mum well trained, she panders to my every desire.

She has taken 2 weeks off work to make up for going away and leaving me, though she did mention the EKKA. I seem to remember that was bloody hard work last year, so I may hold judgement on her sucking up skills until I see what the caper is this year. I had a word to the people who matter while she was away and it seems I have managed to arrange for some suitable leather couches to be at my disposal so I guess that means I will be going to the EKKA to promote the Greyhound Adoption Program

After all, they found me my perfect slave, I am sure there are other suckers out there. I do have one concern however, I have inside information that there will be dog beds on the floor along with the couches. They are very funky beds, but PLEASE.... you expect mwa to be on the floor when I arranged couches, I think not.

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