Saturday, August 11, 2007


Went to the EKKA on Thursday.
I had to share the car trip with Rocky and Patch and their mum.
Normally I have the whole back seat, I shared it with Rocky and Patch got to ride shotgun on her mum's knee - comfy - NOT!!

I was quite impressed with what they had provided for me. Looked like a nice inviting lounge room. Was not overly keen on the leather couch though, I spent the day on the funky beds as Goldie and The Snork seemed to have the couches covered.

I got lots of pats, I pretty much just lay around looking pretty all day, something I do very well.... although I did have to get up at one point as Leo stood on me - that dog has no manners! - and it hurt as he is quite a big boy.

He is a nice enough dog, just has no etiquette, has only been a foster dog for a week, so he is not a seasoned pet and can't be expected to know how to behave just yet. He did a great job though, stood up and drew in the crowd all day - he will learn in time that promos are for lying down, not standing up all day, silly dog.

Patch has the promo thing down, and Rocky is getting there.

1 comment:

*jeanne* said...

What an angel-face!