Monday, August 13, 2007

Harmless little crush

I see nothing wrong with having a troupe of boys that gaze adoringly at me.

One such boy is Charlie dog. He is a pretty fawn dog - the best colour, if I do say so - and sweet in a dopey boy kind of way.

I allowed him to take certain liberties with me at the EKKA, made my day better and if he gets the wrong idea and wants to go shacking up then I will just have to set him straight down the line. A little bit of flirting never hurt anyone.....

Besides, there was no kissy licks, just backward spooning and a little paw touching, looks a lot more than it really is.

The whole symbolic heart thing with our paws is just that, symbolic......


Amanda said...

I love the silks the pups have on! If you don't mind me asking, where did you get them? I would love to order a couple for my retired racers. =)

IHateToast said...

oh it's all well and good now, but eventually one will misunderstand a lick of another dog's bum and then it'll be all 's/he never calls. never tugs my lead ...'

Greytgirl, Amie, and Blaze said...

You can get the stretch vests from this company in Aussie Land.