I do not expect everyone to be as perfect and well behaved as I am. That would just be silly, how can you beat perfection?!
However, I do think that when out visiting one should show some decorum. Lately I have been less than impressed with Rocky and Bullwinkle, I mean, Patch.
I open my home to them and they show little respect.
Rocky is obviously just a silly boy, after all, he is the dog that walks straight off the landing and falls a storey.... still, this doesn't really excuse him from coming here and behaving the way he does.
In the last few visits he has racked up a list of demeanor's, these include but are not limited to;
pissing on mum's clean sheets that were hanging on the washing line
pissing on MY water bowl in MY kitchen
pulling the eye out of one of mum's display toys - display means not to be eaten by dogs!!
stealing the penguin - every time....
Patch is not much better, her list consists of;
racing up the stairs and jumping on me
scruffing up the blankets on mums bed
stealing the display toys
stealing shoes
unpotting plants
eating the cheese and chocolate when nobody is looking - ok, I admit partial guilt on that one, she got the cheese and I helped with the liquor chocolates.
I have nothing against them, and they make me look really good, but this has to stop. They are just not polite anymore!

The troublesome twosome
It's not that I don't enjoy laughing at Rocky's expense. Today he thought that his mum had come back to get him - the ice-cream van went past and he was in raptures after the initial confusion of hearing what constantly goes around in his head out loud - dumb boy. I tend to just sit back and watch the pair of them behave like small children. Patch had the audacity to growl at Rocky when he tried to get close to Adele, really, save the domestics for home please.
So I have layed down the paw and said that they are not to come over unless they can behave like greyhounds should. Like I do. I went to Greytgirls today and did what should be done. I walked in, lay down and went to sleep. Unfortunately my nap was cut short as we were only passing, but I did the right thing..... take notes Rocky and Patch.

This is how one should behave when visiting.